hasil runningnya adalah sebagai berikut :
Sedangkan coding keseluruhan seperti di bawah ini :
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Control As Windows.Forms.Control
For Each Control In Me.Controls
If Control.GetType.Name = "ComboBox" Then
Control.Enabled = False
End If
If Control.GetType.Name = "TextBox" Then
Control.Enabled = False
End If
If Control.GetType.Name = "ComboBox" Then
Control.Enabled = False
End If
If Control.GetType.Name = "RadioButton" Then
Control.Enabled = False
End If
Btclear.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmbkode_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbkode.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim kdbarang, namabarang As String
Dim harga As Single
kdbarang = cmbkode.Text
Select Case kdbarang
Case "SPT"
namabarang = "Sepatu"
harga = 200000
Case "SND"
namabarang = "Sandal"
harga = 100000
Case "TST"
namabarang = "T-Shirt"
harga = 150000
Case "TOP"
namabarang = "Topi"
harga = 50000
Case "TAS"
namabarang = "Tas"
harga = 250000
Case Else
namabarang = "-"
harga = 0
End Select
txtnama.Text = namabarang
txtharga.Text = harga
Me.radiotunai.Checked = False
Me.radiokredit.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub txtjumlah_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtjumlah.TextChanged
If (txtjumlah.Text = "") Then
Dim jumlah As Integer
jumlah = Convert.ToInt32(txtjumlah.Text)
Catch ex As Exception
jumlah = 0
MsgBox("Jumlah barang harus berupa angka", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Peringatan")
End Try
txttotal.Text = Val(txtharga.Text) * jumlah
txtbayar.Text = Val(txttotal.Text) - Val(txtdiskon.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub radiotunai_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles radiotunai.CheckedChanged
txtdiskon.Text = Val(txttotal.Text) * 10 / 100
txtbayar.Text = Val(txttotal.Text) - Val(txtdiskon.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub radiokredit_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles radiokredit.CheckedChanged
txtdiskon.Text = 0
txtbayar.Text = Val(txttotal.Text) - Val(txtdiskon.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Btclear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btclear.Click
Me.radiotunai.Checked = False
Me.radiokredit.Checked = False
cmbkode.Text = ""
Dim Control As Windows.Forms.Control
For Each Control In Me.Controls
If Control.GetType.Name = "ComboBox" Then
Control.Enabled = False
End If
If Control.GetType.Name = "TextBox" Then
Control.Enabled = False
End If
If Control.GetType.Name = "ComboBox" Then
Control.Enabled = False
End If
If Control.GetType.Name = "RadioButton" Then
Control.Enabled = False
End If
Btclear.Enabled = False
Btisidata.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If (MsgBox("Apa Anda yakin untuk menutup aplikasi ini?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Konfirmasi")) = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Btisidata_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btisidata.Click
Dim Control As Windows.Forms.Control
For Each Control In Me.Controls
If Control.GetType.Name = "ComboBox" Then
Control.Enabled = True
End If
If Control.GetType.Name = "RadioButton" Then
Control.Enabled = True
End If
txtjumlah.Enabled = True
Btclear.Enabled = True
Btisidata.Enabled = False
End Sub
End Class
Jika ditekan tombol isi data, isian yang aktif antara lain adalah combobox, txtjumlah, dan radio button. Tombol clear dan tutup juga aktif.
Apabila ditekan tombol tutup, maka muncul konfirmasi apakah yakin akan keluar atau tidak?
Aplikasi Permainan Puzzle
Cara memainkan game --> Menyusun angka sesuai urutan dari angka 1 sampai dengan 8. Di dalam pembuatannya saya menggunakan perintah rndcl untuk mengacak angka simetri else if dan pertukaran nilai digunakan untuk mengecek pergeseran angka.
Jika pemain ingin angka tersebut acak kembali, maka tekan tombol reseat.
Jika pemain dapat menyusun puzzle dengan benar, maka akan muncul ucapan "Selamat"
Di bawah ini adalah coding untuk program di atas :
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Control As Windows.Forms.Control
Dim acak As Integer
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt1.Text = acak
Loop Until bt1.Text <> "0"
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt2.Text = acak
Loop Until bt2.Text <> "0" And bt2.Text <> bt1.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt3.Text = acak
Loop Until bt3.Text <> "0" And bt3.Text <> bt1.Text And bt3.Text <> bt2.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt4.Text = acak
Loop Until bt4.Text <> "0" And bt4.Text <> bt1.Text And bt4.Text <> bt2.Text And bt4.Text <> bt3.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt5.Text = acak
Loop Until bt5.Text <> "0" And bt5.Text <> bt1.Text And bt5.Text <> bt2.Text And bt5.Text <> bt3.Text And bt5.Text <> bt4.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt6.Text = acak
Loop Until bt6.Text <> "0" And bt6.Text <> bt1.Text And bt6.Text <> bt2.Text And bt6.Text <> bt3.Text And bt6.Text <> bt4.Text And bt6.Text <> bt5.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt7.Text = acak
Loop Until bt7.Text <> "0" And bt7.Text <> bt1.Text And bt7.Text <> bt2.Text And bt7.Text <> bt3.Text And bt7.Text <> bt4.Text And bt7.Text <> bt5.Text And bt7.Text <> bt6.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt8.Text = acak
Loop Until bt8.Text <> "0" And bt8.Text <> bt1.Text And bt8.Text <> bt2.Text And bt8.Text <> bt3.Text And bt8.Text <> bt4.Text And bt8.Text <> bt5.Text And bt8.Text <> bt6.Text And bt8.Text <> bt7.Text
End Sub
Private Sub bt2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt2.Click
Dim tampung As String = ""
If (bt1.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt2.Text
bt2.Text = bt1.Text
bt1.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt5.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt2.Text
bt2.Text = bt5.Text
bt5.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt3.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt2.Text
bt2.Text = bt3.Text
bt3.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt1.Click
Dim tampung As String = ""
If (bt2.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt1.Text
bt1.Text = bt2.Text
bt2.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt4.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt1.Text
bt1.Text = bt4.Text
bt4.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt3.Click
Dim tampung As String = ""
If (bt2.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt3.Text
bt3.Text = bt2.Text
bt2.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt6.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt3.Text
bt3.Text = bt6.Text
bt6.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt7.Click
Dim tampung As String = ""
If (bt4.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt7.Text
bt7.Text = bt4.Text
bt4.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt8.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt7.Text
bt7.Text = bt8.Text
bt8.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt9_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt9.Click
Dim tampung As String = ""
If (bt6.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt9.Text
bt9.Text = bt6.Text
bt6.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt8.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt9.Text
bt9.Text = bt8.Text
bt8.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt4.Click
Dim tampung As String = ""
If (bt1.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt4.Text
bt4.Text = bt1.Text
bt1.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt5.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt4.Text
bt4.Text = bt5.Text
bt5.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt7.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt4.Text
bt4.Text = bt7.Text
bt7.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt8.Click
Dim tampung As String = ""
If (bt7.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt8.Text
bt8.Text = bt7.Text
bt7.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt5.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt8.Text
bt8.Text = bt5.Text
bt5.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt9.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt8.Text
bt8.Text = bt9.Text
bt9.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt6.Click
Dim tampung As String = ""
If (bt3.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt6.Text
bt6.Text = bt3.Text
bt3.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt5.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt6.Text
bt6.Text = bt5.Text
bt5.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt9.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt6.Text
bt6.Text = bt9.Text
bt9.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt5.Click
Dim tampung As String = ""
If (bt2.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt5.Text
bt5.Text = bt2.Text
bt2.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt4.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt5.Text
bt5.Text = bt4.Text
bt4.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt8.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt5.Text
bt5.Text = bt8.Text
bt8.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
ElseIf (bt6.Text = "") Then
tampung = bt5.Text
bt5.Text = bt6.Text
bt6.Text = tampung
If (bt1.Text = "1" And bt2.Text = "2" And bt3.Text = "3" And bt4.Text = "4" And bt5.Text = "5" And bt6.Text = "6" And bt7.Text = "7" And bt8.Text = "8") Then
MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Stattus")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btexit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btexit.Click
If MsgBox("Are You Sure Want to Quit?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1, "quit") = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btreseat_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btreseat.Click
Dim Control As Windows.Forms.Control
Dim acak As Integer
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt1.Text = acak
Loop Until bt1.Text <> "0"
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt2.Text = acak
Loop Until bt2.Text <> "0" And bt2.Text <> bt1.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt3.Text = acak
Loop Until bt3.Text <> "0" And bt3.Text <> bt1.Text And bt3.Text <> bt2.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt4.Text = acak
Loop Until bt4.Text <> "0" And bt4.Text <> bt1.Text And bt4.Text <> bt2.Text And bt4.Text <> bt3.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt5.Text = acak
Loop Until bt5.Text <> "0" And bt5.Text <> bt1.Text And bt5.Text <> bt2.Text And bt5.Text <> bt3.Text And bt5.Text <> bt4.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt6.Text = acak
Loop Until bt6.Text <> "0" And bt6.Text <> bt1.Text And bt6.Text <> bt2.Text And bt6.Text <> bt3.Text And bt6.Text <> bt4.Text And bt6.Text <> bt5.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt7.Text = acak
Loop Until bt7.Text <> "0" And bt7.Text <> bt1.Text And bt7.Text <> bt2.Text And bt7.Text <> bt3.Text And bt7.Text <> bt4.Text And bt7.Text <> bt5.Text And bt7.Text <> bt6.Text
acak = Rnd() * 8
bt8.Text = acak
Loop Until bt8.Text <> "0" And bt8.Text <> bt1.Text And bt8.Text <> bt2.Text And bt8.Text <> bt3.Text And bt8.Text <> bt4.Text And bt8.Text <> bt5.Text And bt8.Text <> bt6.Text And bt8.Text <> bt7.Text
End Sub
End Class